UK approach to management of coastal areas

The arrangements for managing coastal areas in England are complex. On land there are well established planning mechanisms, managed largely by Local Authorities. Management of the marine area meanwhile falls mainly to central Government, and activities at sea have traditionally been managed following a more sectoral approach.

Following the UK Stocktake, the UK Government and the Devolved Administrations have been preparing separate draft national strategies on either ICZM or more generally on marine and coastal management.

A consultation ( seeking views on how we can best promote and implement an integrated approach to the management of the coastal zone (ICZM) in England, was published in 2006. The responses to this consultation ( have helped us to finalise the ICZM Strategy for England, and have also fed into the development of proposals with in the Marine and Coastal Access Bill. 

‘A strategy for promoting an integrated approach to the management of coastal areas in England’ -  sets out the Government’s vision for coastal management, objectives and future actions to achieve the vision, and briefly explains how all the changes currently being taken forward will work together in coastal areas.

  • England – A strategy for promoting an integrated approach to the management of coastal areas in England []  
  • Wales - Integrated Coastal Zone Management Strategy
  • Scotland – Marine and Coastal Strategy []
  • Northern Ireland - An Integrated Coastal Zone Management Strategy 2006 - 2026 (
