Database on Coastal States of India

Coastal data

Length of coastline

7516.6 km

Mainland: 5422.6 km

Island Territories: 2094 km

Total Land Area

3,287,263 km²

Area of continental shelf

372,424 km²

Territorial sea (up to 12 nautical miles)

193,834 km²

Exclusive Economic Zone

2.02 x106 million km²

Maritime States and UT

Number of coastal States and Union Territories

Nine states

1.      Gujarat

2.      Maharashtra

3.      Goa

4.      Karnataka

5.      Kerala

6.      Tamil Nadu

7.      Andhra Pradesh

8.      Odisha

9.      West Bengal

Two Union Territories

1.      Daman & Diu

2.      Puducherry

Island Territories

1. Andaman & Nicobar Islands (Bay of Bengal)

2. Lakshadeweep Islands (Arabian Sea)

Total number of coastal districts

66 coastal districts in mainland India; 3 in Andaman & Nicobar and 1 in Lakshadweep

Coastal Geomorphology (Mainland)

Sandy Beach

43 %

Rocky Coast


Muddy Flats


Marshy Coast


Coastline affected by erosion

1624.435 km mainland

132 (islands) (CPDAC)


Total Population of India

1.28 billion (Census 2014, Source:

Population of Coastal States and Union Territories

560 million

Population of Island Territories

0.44 million

Total Population of coastal districts

171 million

Percentage of population in coastal districts of India

14.2 %

Coastal Ecosystems

Coastal wetlands

43230 km²

Major estuaries


Major Lagoons


Mangrove Areas


Area under mangroves

6740 km² (57% East coast,23% west coast, 20% Andaman &Nicobar Islands)

Coral Reef Areas


Marine Protected Areas


Area Covered by MPA

6271.2 km²

Coastal Biodiversity

Marine Algae

217 genera  844 species


6 genera 14 species


25 families, 43 genera, 39 species

Associated flora: 420

Associated fauna: 1862


2934 species


3370 speceis


765 species

Hard Corals

218 species


2546 species


5 sea turtle species

26 sea snake species

Marine Mammals

25 reported from Indian waters

3 species of cetaceans: Irrawaddy dolphin, Ganges River Dolphin and Sperm whale; Dugong listed in Schedule I of Wildlife Act 1972

Marine Fisheries (Source: CMFRI)

Number of Marine Fishing Villages

3288 (CMFRI Census 2010)

Fishermen Population

about 4 million comprising in 864,550 families

Number of Fishing Harbours

Major fishing harbours: 6

Minor fishing harbours: 40

Number of Fish Landing Centres

1511 (CMFRI Census 2010)

Estimated marine Fish Landing

3820207 tonnes  (2011)

Fishing craft

194,490 crafts

mechanized: 37%

motorized:  37%

non-motorized: 26%

Ports and Harbours (Source: Indian Ports Association)

Major Ports


State wise number of ports

Gujarat: 40

Maharashtra: 53

Goa: 5

Daman & Diu: 2

Karnataka: 10

Kerala: 13

Lakshadweep Islands: 10

Tamil Nadu: 15

Puducherry: 1

Andhra Pradesh: 12

Odisha: 2

West Bengal: 1

Andaman & Nicobar Islands: 23



1.      V. Sanil Kumar, K.C. Pathak, P. Pednekar, N.S.N. Raju & R. Gowthaman. 2006. Coastal Processes along the Indian coastline. Current Science, Vol. 91, No. 4, pp. 530-536. accessed 19 Sep. 13

2.      Venkatraman, K. And M. Wafar, 2005. Coastal and Marine Biodiversity of India Indian J. Mar. Sci., 34(1): 57-75.accessed 18 Sep. 13

3.      Singh, H.S. Marine Protected Areas in India. Indian J. Marine Sciences, 2003. 32(3): 226-233 accessed 18 Sep. 13

4.      State-wise status of Coastal Protection and Erosion accessed 19 Sep. 13

5.      Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute. accessed 19 Sep. 13

6.      Indian Ports Association. accessed 19 Sep. 13