Coastal data |
Length of coastline | 7516.6 km Mainland: 5422.6 km Island Territories: 2094 km |
Total Land Area | 3,287,263 km² |
Area of continental shelf | 372,424 km² |
Territorial sea (up to 12 nautical miles) | 193,834 km² |
Exclusive Economic Zone | 2.02 x106 million km² |
Maritime States and UT |
Number of coastal States and Union Territories | Nine states 1. Gujarat 2. Maharashtra 3. Goa 4. Karnataka 5. Kerala 6. Tamil Nadu 7. Andhra Pradesh 8. Odisha 9. West Bengal Two Union Territories 1. Daman & Diu 2. Puducherry |
Island Territories | 1. Andaman & Nicobar Islands (Bay of Bengal) 2. Lakshadeweep Islands (Arabian Sea) |
Total number of coastal districts | 66 coastal districts in mainland India; 3 in Andaman & Nicobar and 1 in Lakshadweep |
Coastal Geomorphology (Mainland) |
Sandy Beach | 43 % |
Rocky Coast | 11% |
Muddy Flats | 36% |
Marshy Coast | 10% |
Coastline affected by erosion | 1624.435 km mainland 132 (islands) (CPDAC) |
Population |
Total Population of India | 1.28 billion (Census 2014, Source: |
Population of Coastal States and Union Territories | 560 million |
Population of Island Territories | 0.44 million |
Total Population of coastal districts | 171 million |
Percentage of population in coastal districts of India | 14.2 % |
Coastal Ecosystems |
Coastal wetlands | 43230 km² |
Major estuaries | 97 |
Major Lagoons | 34 |
Mangrove Areas | 31 |
Area under mangroves | 6740 km² (57% East coast,23% west coast, 20% Andaman &Nicobar Islands) |
Coral Reef Areas | 5 |
Marine Protected Areas | 31 |
Area Covered by MPA | 6271.2 km² |
Coastal Biodiversity |
Marine Algae | 217 genera 844 species |
Seagrasses | 6 genera 14 species |
Mangroves | 25 families, 43 genera, 39 species Associated flora: 420 Associated fauna: 1862 |
Crustaceans | 2934 species |
Molluscs | 3370 speceis |
Echinoderms | 765 species |
Hard Corals | 218 species |
Fishes | 2546 species |
Reptiles | 5 sea turtle species 26 sea snake species |
Marine Mammals | 25 reported from Indian waters 3 species of cetaceans: Irrawaddy dolphin, Ganges River Dolphin and Sperm whale; Dugong listed in Schedule I of Wildlife Act 1972 |
Marine Fisheries (Source: CMFRI) |
Number of Marine Fishing Villages | 3288 (CMFRI Census 2010) |
Fishermen Population | about 4 million comprising in 864,550 families |
Number of Fishing Harbours | Major fishing harbours: 6 Minor fishing harbours: 40 |
Number of Fish Landing Centres | 1511 (CMFRI Census 2010) |
Estimated marine Fish Landing | 3820207 tonnes (2011) |
Fishing craft | 194,490 crafts mechanized: 37% motorized: 37% non-motorized: 26% |
Ports and Harbours (Source: Indian Ports Association) |
Major Ports | 13 |
State wise number of ports | Gujarat: 40 Maharashtra: 53 Goa: 5 Daman & Diu: 2 Karnataka: 10 Kerala: 13 Lakshadweep Islands: 10 Tamil Nadu: 15 Puducherry: 1 Andhra Pradesh: 12 Odisha: 2 West Bengal: 1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands: 23 |