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Centre for Coastal Zone Management and Coastal Shelter Belt
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Last Updated On: 27/12/2024
Seaweeds Culture and its impact on the livelihoods of coastal community in the Vedalai village, Ramanathapuram district, Tamil Nadu
Shoreline change assessment for major ports along east coast of India
Change in landuse patterns in cauvery delta zone
Developing a report card to assess ecosystem health status of Chilika lagoon, Odisha
Shoreline management plan for Mandvi coast, Gujarat
Developing environment management plan for a new shipyard
The study of hydrodynamic and sediment transport parameter along the Odisha coast using numerical models
Conservation management plan for Kandaleru (Upputeru) creek, Andhra Pradesh
Study of wave parameters along the east coast of India using WAM model
Mapping of mangrove cover and creation of spectral library for Pichavaram mangroves in Tamil Nadu
Environmental impact assessment of Puducherry coast
Coastal hazard line mapping of Mahanadi delta, Odisha using GIS and Remote Sensing
Pollution management plan for the Odisha coast
Mapping of mangroves and assessing carbon sequestration potential in pichavaram mangroves using remote sensing
Numerical simulation of ship stability for beam sea environment
Design of intake well and outfall for a desalination plant in Tuticorin
Assessment of ecological and economic impact of natural collection of aliginophytes in Gulf of Mannar
Assessing the impact of industrialization at Gulf of Kachchh a modeling approach
Analysis of wave spectrum over the Arabian sea using moored buoys data
Estimation of carbon footprint on road project case study NH-68
Change detection analysis of Vedaranyam coastal wetland and impact on mangrove dependent community
Assessment of ecological and economic impact of large scale cultivation of carragenophytes in Palk Bay
Cumulative impact assessment of air pollution in North Chennai by using geographic information system and interaction matrix
Analysis of wave characteristics of Bay of Bengal using spectral approach
Oil spill trajectory forecast with the aid of gnome
Mapping of onshore flooded areas and identification of flood prone areas using DEM
Special dynamics and prediction of change in a area using remote sensing and GIS
Effect of brine dispersion on coastal regions using dispersion model: A case study of Tamil Nadu coast
Remote sensing and GIS technique to delineate coastal aquaculture sites from Muttukadu to Puducherry, Tamil Nadu
Application of geospacial technologies for assessing noise pollution due to multiple sources in a fast developing landscape
Multi hazard vulnerability mapping along the Odisha coast
Hydrodynamic and pneumatic characteristics of a cylindrical buoy
Estimation of Radon Concentrations in groundwater along the Coast of Chennai City and Estimation of Ingestion Dose
Investigation of Wave Interaction on Seawall Structures along Puducherry Coast
Coastal hydrodynamics around kanyakumari coast
Remote sensing and GIS application in the study of coastal environmental sensitivity
Study on the effects of thermal effluents in the Gulf of Kachchh, using a numerical model
A study on change detection of emerging delta using remote sensing and GIS techniques
Study and assess the impacts of thermal water discharge on the subsurface ocean water using dispersion modelling
Geospatial techniques to demarcate coastal sand dunes and strandlines of Tamil Nadu
The Oil Spill Dispersion Characteristics around the Gulf of Kachchh using Numerical Atmospheric and Ocean Models
Modelling Nearshore and Shelf Sediment Dynamics along the Coastal Stretch of Cuddalore
Numerical study on the performance of submerged breakwater.
Assessment of real time weather forecast information for Chennai,East coast of India using high resolution WRF model.
Geochemical Characterization of Indian Mangrove Sediments
Estimation of Radon Concentration in Inland Groundwater Sources of Chennai Metropolotan City
Cumulative Environmental Impact Assesment in a Torpical Estuary - Cochin Backwaters, India
Wave Transformation Studies in the Nearshore Region between Vedaranyam and Nagapattinam Using MIKE 21 SW Model
Sediment Transport Rate and its Impact on Coral Reef - Palk Bay and Gulf of Mannar
Evaluating Impact of Sturctures on Thengapattanam Coast
Shoreline Management Options for Tranquebar Coast - A Case Study
Analysis of Deep Sea Floor Subsidence due to Methane Hydrate Dissociation
Seasonal circulation pattern in a tropical estuary of the Cochin backwaters, India
Emissions from maritime transport and air quality in South Indian coast
Impact of Seasonal Circulation on Coral Recruitment at Olaikudah, Palk Bay and Kurusadai Island, Gulf of Mannar
Emissions from Maritime Transport and Air Quality in South Indian Coast
Risk Assessment and Analysis for the Construction of Berths
Assessment of Mangrove Conservation Programmes in Thoothukudi District and Profiling the Socio - Economic Status of Dependent Community
Mapping the Geographic Extent of Saltpans in Tamil Nadu and their Impact on Coastal Environment and Livelihood
Profiling the dependence of community on mangrove ecosystem and evaluation of mangrove conservation programmes in Ramanathapuram district, Tamil Nadu
DPSIR Analysis to understand Coastal Vulnerability A case study of the Adyar River
Analysis and Design of Oil Berth using Alternative Foundations
Impact of Temporal and Spatial Nutrient Fluxes in the Coastal Waters
Change in Permeability of Beach Sediment due to Accumulation of Small Plastic Fragments - An Experimental Study
Performance of Storm Surge Model using ERA5 Wind Data during various Cyclones
Simulation of Tsunami Induces Water Levels along the Chennai Coast using Hypothetical Events
Mapping Analysis of Physical and Social Vulnerability for Pondicherry Coast
Study of Wave Transformation around Geotubes with Gabions A Case Study of Pentha Coast
Heavy Metal Distribution in Salt Marsh Ecosystem of Vedaranyam Tamil Nadu
Estimation of Water Quality Parameters in Ennore Creek Using Satellite Image Data
Nutrient Dynamics in Salt Marsh Ecosystem of Vedaranyam Tamil Nadu
Dispersion Studies in Ennore Estuary on Biological Oxygen Demand Dissolved Oxygen and Salinity
Studies for Swarnamukhi River Mouth Opening
Impact Analysis of Coastal Structures on Coastal Environment along Kollam and Ernakulum Districts of Kerala Coast Using Remote Sensing and GIS
Identifying Seasonal Variation of Microplastics in Pamban Shoreline and its Dynamics using MIKE 21 software
Nutrient Budget using LOICZ Model for Ennore Estuary Tamil Nadu India
Satellite Based Remote Sensing Applications in Ocean Sciences and Technology in India
Wave Characteristics Off Goa Coast Using Nested Numerical Modeling Approach
Storm Surge Computations and Analysis Along the East Coast of India
Estimation of Shoreline Change in Lakshadweep Islands using Remote Sensing and GIS
Spatio Temporal Variation of Surface Chlorophyll in the Arabian Sea
Assessing the Impact of Ports on Coast for Developing a Suitable Protection Measure on Thiruvallur Coast of Tamil Nadu
Occurrence and Distribution of Microplastics along the Chennai Coast
Study of Hydrodynamic Conditions along the Andhra Pradesh Coast
Shoreline Change and Sediment Transport due to Fani Cyclone in Odisha
Assessment of Water Quality and Pollution Index of Coastal Waters in Chennai Coast
Study of Sediment Transport in Adyar River Mouth Region Chennai using DELFT3D Model
Mitigation Measures and Resilience of Chennai Floods
Investigation of Suspended Sediment Concentration of Gulf of Mannar Islands using Remote Sensing Techniques and Numerical Models
Natural Disasters and Strategies for Management in India A Review
Climate Change Related Hazards and Vulnerability Assessment in the Coastal Marine Ecosystems in India
Modelling of Nearshore Sediment Dynamics Along Odisha Coast
Assessment of Coastal Vulnerability of Kanyakumari Coast Using Geospatial Technologies
Analysis of Short Term Morphological Changes of Spit at Ennore Creek
Assessment of Impact of Land use Change and Sediment Transport on Net Carbon Sink in Pichavaram Mangrove Ecosystem
Study on Seasonal Variations of Microplastics from Adyar Estuary to Cooum Estuary and its Dynamics using DELFT3D
Evolution of Shoreline along Kerala Coast using Satellite Imagery
Assessment of Landuse Landcover Dynamics and Shoreline Changes of Cuddalore Coast Tamil Nadu using Remote Sensing and GIS
Water Quality Management of Adyar Estuary
Shoreline Change Analysis along south Gujarat Coast
Modelling of Selected Water Quality Parameters along Ennore Coast
Analysis on spacial and temporal changes in Gulf of Manner islands using remote sensing and image processing
Determination of Soil Properties for Soil Machine Interaction Vehicle
Introduction of Offshore Structure and Design and Analysis of Jacket Platform using SACS Software
Overview of Physical and Mathematical Modelling carried out at CWPRS
Coastal Modeling using MIKE 21 Software
Monitoring of Coastal Inlets along the selected stretches of Goa coast An InletTracker approach
Coastal Hydrodynamic Flow Model using MIKE 21 along the VOC Port
Coastal Hydrodynamics and Sediment transport Model using MIKE 21
Long Term Assessment of Shoreline Changes along the Coast of Malvan and Goa
Historical Analysis of Kollidam Coastal Inlet using InletTracker Toolkit
Shoreline Change Rate Dynamics along selected Region of Karnataka Coast A CoastSAT and DSAS Based
Study of Tidal Characteristics of Chennai Coast: A Numerical Approach
Assessing Temporal and Spatial Variation of Coastal Inlets and Significance Using INLETTRACKER and COASTSAT
Estimation of Longshore Sediment Transport along Kerala Coast Using Empirical and Numerical Modelling Techniques
Numerical Modeling of Cyclone Induced Coastal Erosion Along Machilipatnam Coast
Structural Design and Analysis of Small Semi Submersible Platform with Extended Draft
Modelling Cyclone Induced Bed Level Changes along the Selected Stretch of Gahirmatha Coast Using XBeach
Numerical Modelling of Sediment Transport and Shoreline Morphology along the Chennai Coast Based on Climate Change Induces Sea Level Rise
Simulation and Prediction of Crude Oil Spill along the Nagapattinam Coast using Numerical Modelling System
Impacts of Training Wall Construction on Littoral Transport around the Tidal Inlet at Pulicat Lake East Coast of India
Numerical Modeling of Ballest Water Dispersion and Trace Metals Analysis in Indian Coastal Bioregion