Importance of Sandy Beaches and Sand Dunes
The seas we live next to get violent every once in a while and powerful storms and huge waves lash our coastline. Have you ever wondered why these waves don't reach your home every time there is a storm? The sandy beaches and the mounds of sand called sand dunes could be the answer. Sandy beaches and dunes are the sentinels of the coast. They act like shields that bear all the heavy impacts of the waves and prevent the furious winds from destroying homes and crops. They also prevent the seawater from entering into wells and ponds. Imagine what would happen if you get salt-water from your wells. They also protect us from salt laden winds that could cause serious damage to crops and buildings. Beaches are also ideal places to get some fresh air, play around with friends and explore. What better place to spend an evening than on the beach? This space is also valuable to everyone who depends on fishing for a living. Is it not here that our fathers haul the boats and keep it out of the reach of the sea? Is it not here that they sit and mend their nets? Chat? Play cards? Is it not here that our mothers wait for our fathers, scanning eagerly the horizon wondering when they will come with the fish. Is it not here that they auction the fish, sell it to company owners?

A fishing boat setting off to sea Fish being cleaned on the beach

Many villages on the coast like Kottucherrimedu, Kottaimedu, Chinnakottaimedu, Kilinjal medu, etc. are names of villages situated on dunes. When the December 2004 tsunami hit our coasts, many such villages on dunes were saved, because they were built either behind the dunes or on top of dunes. After the incident, the people began realising the value of dunes and many villages are now trying to protect their dunes and to bring them back to their earlier state.

Count the Medus!
How many more villages do you know of that end with 'medu'? List them all. Are they all situated on or next to coastal sand dunes?
If you ask your parents and grandparents, they may tell you stories of "kolams" or human-made ponds in and around the village. Water for drinking and for all other purposes came from these kolams. The sand dunes actually help in storing and supplying water to these kolams. They are Nature's own water supply systems. Thanks to the availability of water and protection from winds from the sea, agriculture (even paddy cultivation) is done behind sand dunes in Tamil Nadu.

A typical fresh water kolam Farming activity behind dunes
Paddy cultivation right behind the beach