Natural Hazards

Natural processes or phenomena occurring in the biosphere that may constitute a damaging event. Natural hazards can be classified by origin namely: geological, hydro-meteorological or biological.

Nature synchronous

Development that is in synchrony with natural forces; engineering design that coincides with natural processes, rather than resisting or confronting them.

Neap Tide

A tide occurring near the time of quadrature of the moon with the sun. The neap tide range is usually 10- to 30-percent less than the mean tidal range.

Near shore Circulation

 The ocean circulation pattern composed of the near shore currents and the coastal currents


Near shore Current System

 The current system characterized primarily by wave action in and near the breaker zone, and which consists of four parts: the shoreward mass transport of water; long shore currents; seaward return flow, including rip currents; and the long shore movement of the expanding heads of rip currents. See also near shore circulation

Net Present Value NPV

The difference between the present value of the benefit stream and the present value of the cost stream for a project. The net present value calculated at the Banks discount rate should be greater than zero for a project to be acceptable.

Non use Value

The value that people hold for an environmental resource, which is not attributable to their direct use of the resource for commercial or recreational purposes. Otherwise known as intrinsic value.


Non-point sources of pollution

 Multiple, not easily identifiable sources of pollution (e.g. agriculture, urban areas). Also called diffuse sources


The process of replenishing a beach. It may be brought about naturally, by long shore transport, or artificially by the deposition of dredged materials.


Nurture or nurturing area

Any place in the coastal zone where larval, juvenile, or young stages of aquatic life concentrate for feeding or refuge; also a “nursery area.


Any substance assimilated by living things that promote growth, including any number of organic or inorganic compounds (nitrogen and phosphorous are important examples) used by plants in primary production.